
Tess Howe. Head of Policy & Partnerships, TIAH.

Tess is responsible for the development of the TIAH Membership, including the products and services to ensure the industry has relevant and accessible CPD to help people achieve their full potential. After graduating with a degree in Agriculture from the University of Newcastle, Tess has worked in the agriculture and horticulture industry for more than 20 years, predominantly in livestock but also in the arable and horticultural sectors. After roles with the Humane Slaughter Association, BPEX (later to become AHDB Pork), in 2012, Tess progressed into the role of AHDB’s Senior Skills Manager. In this post, Tess led the pivotal Skills Task Force for the Food & Drink Sector Council’s Agricultural Productivity Working Group. This included development of the strategic case and business plan for a proposed new professional body, which led to the formation of TIAH and her move into her current role.