The 2024 Fair hosted three forum theatres – the Pig Forum Theatre, the Poultry Forum Theatre and a new Innovation Theatre. It was a chance to hear from industry leaders as they gave their predictions for the year ahead and shared what is new. The forums were all recorded, so you can watch back any of the sessions you missed, simply follow the links below.
The Pig Forum Theatre was partnered by ABN and AHDB. Hosting the ever popular Pig Outlook, alongside sessions from AHDB on encouraging the next generation to eat pork, ASF and reducing the environmental impact of pig farming. Other forums included the future of assurance schemes and AHWP opportunities.
The Poultry Forum Theatre had an excellent speaker line up, starting with the Farming Minister Mark Spencer. The Outlook Forums provided an insight on what is ahead, while BFREPA focused on fairness in the egg supply chain and ABN on supporting the next generation. Other sessions included the future of assurance schemes and AHWP.
New for 2024 the Innovation Theatre profiled some of the latest cutting-edge products and ideas which can deliver significant benefits, saving time, money and stress, while potentially generating new income streams from farming insects or converting poultry manure into valuable biochar.
Watch 2024 Innovation Theatre Videos

Why Leading Pig Producers Value the Fair